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It is the largest European geese and is quite abundant in our country during the winter . At this time, the skies of Villafáfila and lagoon of La Nava, las vegas of the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir marshes are furrowed by a multitude of geometric squares of these blatant and large birds, which come to the Peninsula after a journey of thousands kilometers, running from the extremely low temperatures plaguing their breeding grounds in northern Europe.
It is the largest European geese and is quite abundant in our country during the winter . At this time, the skies of Villafáfila and lagoon of La Nava, las vegas of the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir marshes are furrowed by a multitude of geometric squares of these blatant and large birds, which come to the Peninsula after a journey of thousands kilometers, running from the extremely low temperatures plaguing their breeding grounds in northern Europe.
Ánsar común
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Es el mayor de los gansos europeos y resulta bastante abundante en nuestro país durante el invierno. En esta época, los cielos de Villafáfila y la laguna de La Nava, las vegas del Guadiana y las marismas del Guadalquivir se ven surcados por multitud de geométricas escuadras de estas vocingleras y grandes aves, las cuales llegan a la Península tras un viaje de miles de kilómetros, huyendo de las bajísimas temperaturas que asolan sus áreas de cría en el norte de Europa.