miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

Bulbul naranjero (Barbatus)-Bulbul común-hombre Bulbul

naranjero Bulbul

(Common bulbul)

Widely distributed throughout much of Africa, where it is a very commonly bird, the naranjero bulbul plays within the Spanish territory, only in the Autonomous City of Ceuta, although so extremely scarce, as only a dozen known of couples.



Order Passeriformes; family Pycnonotidae


19 cm


Data not available


It is a bird similar to the common blackbird, long thin beak and tail size, with earthy-brown coloration in the dorsal regions and quite dark head; underparts appear lighter, while the undertail flows present a tone between yellow and white, which is particularly striking (figure 1).


This is a rather garrulous species; continuously emits a claim similar to a babbling, consisting of an explosive and vacillating series of sounds -parecidos to those produced by the common blackbird when frightened. Sometimes utters shorter and melodious sounds.

naranjero Bulbul

(Common bulbul)

Widely distributed throughout much of Africa, where it is a very commonly bird, the naranjero bulbul plays within the Spanish territory, only in the Autonomous City of Ceuta, although so extremely scarce, as only a dozen known of couples.

Where do you live

In the world

It is widely distributed, with several subespecies- for much of the Ethiopian region where it reaches the southernmost parts of Africa.Within occupied Western Palearctic Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and northern Chad and the Autonomous City of Ceuta.

In Spain

Only in Spanish territory it is located in Ceuta. In Melilla, despite its proximity to Morocco, where it is a usual bird, it has not confirmed the presence of naranjero bulbul far. The subspecies living in Ceuta is barbatus, and it is recorded in the northwestern regions of the African continent.


It is shown sedentary in much of its range, although in North Africa can make short dispersive movements.


Although it is a common species throughout its range, the size of their populations is unknown. With regard to Spain, the small breeding population of Ceuta, which is considered stable in recent years is estimated at about 10 couples, although there is a lack of accurate data.