martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Avión zapador (Riparia riparia)-Sand martin

Avión zapador

(Riparia riparia)

Es el menor de nuestros aviones y golondrinas. La combinación de pequeño tamaño, color pardo y banda en el pecho resulta clave para identificarlo. Instala sus densas colonias casi exclusivamente en taludes de ríos y graveras, donde excava un túnel en el que nidifica. Escaso en nuestro país como nidificante y sujeto a fluctuaciones, España constituye una zona de paso durante la migración de una parte importante de la muy abundante población europea.
It is the least of our aircraft and swallows. The combination of small size, brown and chest band is key to identify it. Installs its dense colonies almost exclusively on slopes of rivers and gravel pits, where digging a tunnel in which nests. Scarce in our country as nesting and subject to fluctuations, Spain is a passage for migrating an important part of the European population very abundant.

It is the least of our aircraft and swallows. The combination of small size, brown and chest band is key to identify it. Installs its dense colonies almost exclusively on slopes of rivers and gravel pits, where digging a tunnel in which nests. Scarce in our country as nesting and subject to fluctuations, Spain is a passage for migrating an important part of the European population very abundant.

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